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Well, running, doing sports, basically anything that you move your legs a lot in. BUT the cause for leg fat is too much salt. If you eat a lot of salty foods, cut that in half.

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14y ago
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14y ago

Jogging and mild running are best, you can also try massag after running.

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14y ago

There is running and swimming. Swimming is known to be the best sport for the body.

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14y ago

U dumb asz work out every day eat right -.- i swear people dese days so dumb -.-

Ans - you mean thigh fat? walking or jogging will work.

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Q: How do you i lose leg fat?
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How do you lose leg fat by swimming?

You can lose leg fat by swimming because the resistance of the water causes you to burn fat in your legs. Swimming is a good way to develop muscle and lose weight.

Do leg raises help you lose fat?

no but it does build muscle

How do you lose leg fat in 20 minutes?

You cannot lose leg fat in 20 minutes by any natural means. To do it in such a short time would require some surgical intervention.

Are there any exercise I can do to lose the fat in my leg?

It's difficult to lose fat in targeted areas. One way to increase fat loss in your legs is to perform weight-bearing exercises. This will decrease the fat in your legs while increasing muscle. Leg lifts, squats, pushes and pulls are all good leg exercises to increase muscle and burn fat.

Is walking good to lose leg fat?

yes it dose and it strengthens your leg muscles so dose jogging.

Can you lose leg fat by riding a horse?

Riding a horse can help you burn calories and strengthen your leg muscles, which may contribute to overall fat loss in your legs over time. However, spot reduction (losing fat in a specific area) is not possible. You would need a combination of regular exercise, a balanced diet, and overall body fat loss to see changes in your leg fat.

Can flexibility exercises get rid of leg fat?

Not directly. There's no way to lose fat in certain places, but rather as a whole you lose fat and the fat comes off of places as you lose it.

How do you lose leg fat My upper and legs are pretty toned but I'd like to lose as much of the remaining leg fat as possible without gaining any more muscles. Inner thigh hamstrings calf?

Stretching and exercises like yoga or pilates should help.

To lose weight in the top of your leg?

There's no such thing as spot fat removal. Eat right, lift light, and cardio.

What idea weight for 5'7 17 girl who weighs 165 pounds and what exercises could I do to lose the weight?

crunches-u get stomache muscle, abs, and lose baby fat running or jogging loses leg fat and gains good muscle sports lose weight

Can you lose thigh fat by running?

sometimes, it may also make them bigger due to exercise (your leg mussels may get bigger)

How did president Lincoln lose his leg?

President Lincoln didn't lose a leg