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Q: How do we then determine aerobic threshold and our aerobic training zone?
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What is the threshold and target zone of training for cardiovascular fitness?

140 beats per minute

The trigger zone of a neuron includes?

The trigger zone of a neuron includes the axon hillock, where graded potentials are summed together to determine if an action potential will be initiated. It is the region where voltage-gated sodium channels are concentrated and play a crucial role in generating an action potential. If the depolarization at the trigger zone reaches a certain threshold, an action potential will be generated and propagated down the axon.

In which zone would this fruit grow?

Please provide the name of the fruit for me to determine the suitable growing zone.

Where is the Tigger zone on a unipolar neuron?

The "Tigger zone" in a unipolar neuron is the initial segment of the axon where action potentials are generated. Here, graded potentials from the dendrites accumulate and if they reach a certain threshold, an action potential is triggered.

What is the trigger point at which a neuron will fire called?

Its where there are a lot of sodium channels. Once the trigger zone is 'triggered' to threshold (from -70mV to -55mv), then an action potential occurs. trigger zone in MOTOR neurons are in the axon hillock and in SENSORY neurons, they're in the 1st unmyelinated area (first node of ranvier).

Where can you get a rhydon in Pokemon sapphire?

Catch Rhyhorn in the Safari Zone, then evolve him by training.

Ben is training for an endurance event Which heart zone should he be working out in?

What are you talking about?

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What 2 things determine the climate of an area?

The training zone is at what percentage of your MHR?

The training zone is typically around 65-85% of your maximum heart rate (MHR), depending on the intensity and goals of your workout. This range is where you can improve cardiovascular fitness and endurance most effectively.

How can a woman determine if she's in the friend zone with a man?

if he doesnt look at your lips

What is climate in Kentucky?

The climate zone for Kentucky ranges from USDA Zone 5b to USDA Zone 6b. These zones help to determine when to plant certain crops during specific times of the year.

How do you get Zone 6 and 7 in sonny 2?

Zone 6 - Unlocked by playing through Zone 1-5 on Challenging or Heroic. Zone 7 - Unlocked by gaining the Legendary achievement, defeating the Mayor without repeating bosses or using training fights, on Heroic.