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Q: How do muscles and related organs adapt to an increase in physical activity?
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How is physical activity related to hyperkinetic condition?

because it is caused by too much physical activity

Most important antioxidant related to physical activity?

vitamine E

What is the most popular form of health-related physical activity in the US?


What is A physical activity that does not require high skill related fitness abilities called?

such as walking

Skill reletad physical fitness test?

skills related to physical fitness test is having or doing an activity like doing a sport. having daily exercise .. sports that can be done in order to have physical fitness are playing badminton,tennis.bowling.Frisbee,volleyball and table tennis.. this activity helps you have a good health that is related to physical fitness.. and it also helps you have a goodbody oosture..

What outdoor temperature and humidity level are designated as the upper limits of safety for strenuous physical activity?

Outdoor temperature above 90°F (32°C) and humidity levels above 70% are designated as the upper limits of safety for strenuous physical activity. These conditions can increase the risk of heat-related illnesses such as heat exhaustion and heat stroke. It is important to stay hydrated, take breaks, and avoid activity during the hottest part of the day in such conditions.

What are the dangers of not warming up?

Not warming up before exercise can increase the risk of injury, as cold muscles are less flexible and more prone to strains and tears. It can also result in decreased performance as your muscles and joints are not prepared for the physical activity, leading to poor technique and potential muscle fatigue. Additionally, skipping a warm-up can limit blood flow to the working muscles, reducing oxygen delivery and hindering overall workout effectiveness.

How can physical activity affects academic performance?

describe physical activity as "an action that requires muscle contraction in your body…this includes walking, chores, playing Wii sports, and in some cases even sitting" (p. 94). Physical fitness is described as a set of attributes either health-related (cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength, flexibility, and body composition) or skill-related (balance, agility, power, reaction time, speed, and coordination) and these attributes are usually measured with a specific set of tests completed during physical education class (Caspersen et al., 1985). Exercise, is a type of physical activity, "a dedicated time for repetitive actions with the purpose of increasing performance or physical capacity" (Evans & Burghardt, 2008, p. 94), such as conditioning for many athletic activities, in an effort to improve or maintain physical fitness. It is important to note "although all exercise is physical activity, not all physical activity is exercise" (USDHHS, 2008, Chapter 2, p. 7).

Why is basketball related to physical education?

it's a physical activity and it's sort of like exercise only fun. Basketball is a sport which needs a high level of energy, stamina and flexibility. Owing to all these reasons, it is in relation with physical education.

What could cause a repetitive injury?

Overuse of muscles and tendons in certain areas of the body could cause a repetitive injury. This could be related to your occupation or a leisure activity that you frequently engage in.

List and define the two parts of physical fitness?

The two parts of physical fitness are cardiovascular endurance, which is the ability of the heart and lungs to supply oxygen to the body during sustained physical activity, and muscular strength/endurance, which is the ability of muscles to exert force or withstand repeated contractions over a period of time.

How are physical development and activity related to a child's self concept?

Physical development and activity can positively impact a child's self-concept by fostering feelings of competence, confidence, and achievement. Engaging in physical activities can help children develop skills, build strength and coordination, and improve their body image, leading to a more positive self-perception. Additionally, physical activity can provide opportunities for social interaction, teamwork, and leadership, which can further enhance a child's self-concept.