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Q: How can you use FITT 5 days a week in a workout program to lose weight and build muscle mass?
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What can you get out of an eliptical workout if you am 100 pounds overweight?

An elliptical workout would be great for toning or someone looking to lose an amount of weight. An elliptical workout is an complete workout, you will build muscle along with loosing weight or toning.

How effective is Pace workout program compared to others?

The Pace workout operates on the principle of doing simple movements and slowly building up the number of repititions to build lean muscle. This is a highly effective workout program.

Does a gymnastics workout help you lose weight?

Yes, gymnastics is about flexibility and muscle.. ergo, when u build muscle (flexibility does so) u burn fat.

What is a good intense workout plan?

P90X provides an intense workout via DVDs that you workout along with. If you don't want to invest in a program such as that, you can try doing sprints, push-ups, and calisthenics to build muscle.

Why is it necessary to frequently update workout program?

If you continually repeat the same workout, you muscles will build a muscle memory. Meaning they will become so adapted to the workout that it would be almost useless to continue. By switching up and updating you workout you challenge your muscles more thus creating a more efficient, muscle building and calorie burning workout.

What are some simple workout routines for a beginner?

You should start with a weight you can handle. If you can do around 10 reps max, then that's a good weight to build muscle. If you can do around double that, then it's good for toning your muscle.

How i build muscle?

The best way to build muscle is to feed the body a healthy diet. The window of opportunity post workout is a huge factor in getting the needed nutrients to the cells to build muscle. Have a plan to work muscle groups and not over work any area. Use correct form and a weight that is proper for the body part your working.

How do I build muscle?

The best way to build muscle is to feed the body a healthy diet. The window of opportunity post workout is a huge factor in getting the needed nutrients to the cells to build muscle. Have a plan to work muscle groups and not over work any area. Use correct form and a weight that is proper for the body part your working.

Can I get bulk muscles with the ghetto workout?

The ghetto workout will not guarantee that you build those muscles. As with any workout program different people have different results on each program.

Why is it necessary to frequently update a workout program?

If you continually repeat the same workout, you muscles will build a muscle memory. Meaning they will become so adapted to the workout that it would be almost useless to continue. By switching up and updating you workout you challenge your muscles more thus creating a more efficient, muscle building and calorie burning workout.

What is the best diet to follow when it comes to weight control nutrition?

To control weight, make sure that you have a gym membership or at-home workout routine with dumbells and free weights. This will enable you to build muscle as you lose fat, thus controlling your weight.

What are the best diet and exercise plans to build muscle?

Any diet that you go on to gain muscle should include a lot of protein. Protein will help build and repair muscles after you work out. P90x is a good workout plan to build muscle.