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The way a person can keep their train from jumping the tracks is to make sure the tracks are well maintained. This means the tracks should always be on a level and cleaned surface so that nothing gets between the rail and the train wheel.

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Q: How can you keep your train from jumping the tracks?
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If your car is stuck on the tracks, and a train is approaching- then YES- get OUT of the car and get off the tracks. It is not that the train engineer does not want to stop, it is that he CANNOT stop- it may take a mile or more in distance to fully stop a heavy train. You will lose the car, but you will keep your life.

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There is nothing that is specifically designed to keep the air pressure low under a train. A train is kept on the tracks by gravity, nothing more.

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You don't tie people to the train tracks. You can hogtie them and put them on the train tracks though.

What is tracks for trains?

Railroad tracks are often called rails.

Are train tracks metal?

Yes. Train tracks are metal because if they were wooden such fast moving train wheels will cause friction on the wooden tracks, setting them on fire.

Do you have a cannon on your train in the legend of Zelda spirit tracks?

You can acquire a cannon for your train on Spirit tracks.

Why are sleepers on railway tracks?

To keep the rails at a certain spacing, and to spread the weight of the train over a wider area.

What are train tracks made of?

Railroad tracks are made from steel.