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Flexibility ??

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Q: Exercise that causes the muscles to push against a force heavier than they normally push against can develop what?
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Which is heavier 8 marbles that are exactly alike except that one of them is slightly heavier than the others I then give you a balance scale and ask you to determine the heavier marble in 3 weighings?

Weighing 1: Weigh any four against any other four. The set containing the heavier marble will be heavier. Weighing 2: Weigh any two from this heavier set against the other two from the set. The pair containing the heavier marble will be heavier. Weighing 3: Weight the two marbles from the heavier pair against one another and you have the odd marble. Simple!

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Biscuits are normally heavier than rolls.

8 marbles are exactly alike except that one is slightly heavier than the others how do you determine the heavier marble in 2 weighings?

Pick 6 marbles. Weigh 3 against 3. If they balance, then weigh the other two against each other to find the heavier one. If they don't balance, look at the three that are heavier. Pick 2 and weigh them against each other. If they balance, then the 3rd marble in that group is the heavier one. If they don't balance, you have the heavier one.

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you need to breath otherwize u die ;]

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when you breath faster you heartrate goes up what make breath heavier.

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The .40 is larger in diameter and (normally) has a heavier bullet.

What body processes change during and after exercise?

When you exercise you breathe heavier and faster, your heart beats faster, your muscles hurt, and you sweat. These all relax when you finish exercising.

How do you end period faster?

Actually if you exercise more the heavier it is. Because I was at volleyball camp and on my period it made it heavier. 2.14.11 Exactly! Even though it made your period heavier, more blood left your body and ultimatley shortened your period.

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Cold air is denser thus heavier.

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Gear oil is normally a much heavier oil.

Why has exercise made you gain weight?

Exercise is likely to make you more hungry, so if you're not watching your diet that can happen. Muscle is also heavier than fat by volume, so if you've gained muscle mass you can become heavier even if your measurements are the same or even smaller. Don't worry though, more muscle means you can burn more calories during the same length of exercise.

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-- Balance 4 pills against the other 4. The poison pill is one of the heavier 4. Put the lighter 4 off to the side. -- Balanse 2 pills against the other 2. The poison pill is one of the heavier 2. Put the lighter 2 off to the side. -- Balance 1 pill against the other 1. The poison pill is the heavier one.