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Not really, walking just slowly burns calories and turns fat to muscle (if you walk too much). Walking doesn't have a specific target to get fat off. It does it evenly. If you want to flatten your stomach, I recommend doing plank (like the push-up position, but your elbows stay still on the floor, and your body has to be parallel and you have to stay in that position until you feel tired.

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yes it does because you are burning fat and calories while using it

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13y ago

Any exercise program can help you lose extra weight carried around your stomach, so yes this can work.

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Q: Does walking on the treadmill help to flatten your stomach?
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If the sciatica really hurts when you try walking on a treadmill, do not do it. Do not fight through the pain; "listen" to your body.On the other hand, especially if you have your physician's blessing and you keep your stomach pulled in so that your hips stay properly aligned, walking on a treadmill may help in the short run.In the long run, insofar as it helps you to keep your percentage of body fat lower, regular walking on a treadmill should certainly help.

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Can you give me some good examples of exercises to flatten my stomach that do not hurt my back?

Situps, crunches and abdominal curls help tone stomach muscles and flatten stomachs. Overall fat loss depends on a sensible diet and exercise regime.

How important is the sole on a treadmill?

The sole on a treadmill is fairly important as it can help to build traction and keep walking speed easily. In many ways, the sole on a treadmill is just as important as the shoe you wear while using one.

What device can be used to flatten stomach?

There are many pieces of exercise equipment that promote flat stomachs. Old fashioned sit-ups and crunches have been found to be the best resource when seeking a flat stomach. Targeting your abs as well as maintaining a healthy diet rich in vegetables and proteins will help to flatten a stomach. Cardio is also known to help with overall toning and weight loss.

What part of the body do the treadmill work on?

Treadmills primarily work on the lower body, including the legs, glutes, and calves. Running or walking on a treadmill can help strengthen these muscles and improve cardiovascular fitness.

What are the best walking exercise for weight loss?

You may want to invest in a treadmill for this purpose because then weather won't be an issue. A treadmill will help you set your own pace and as your health improves you can increase the callenge.

Does riding a bike help flatted stomach?

Riding a bike is good for your cardio and will give you great legs. It may help you gain a flat stomach as well depending on how long you ride and how fast.

What is wasted energy in a treadmill?

Wasted energy in a treadmill is energy that is not efficiently converted into useful work, such as running or walking. This can be due to factors like friction in the belt or motor inefficiencies, leading to a loss of energy as heat instead of propelling the treadmill. Regular maintenance and proper calibration can help reduce wasted energy in a treadmill.

What are the benefits of a Weslo treadmill?

It depends on which type of Weslo Treadmill you buy. For example, the Weslo Cadence G-40 has a wider tread belt and special cushioning to help ease the weight pressure walking puts on your feet and knees.

What is the best Proform treadmill on the market today?

Sole treadmills are the best treadmills on the market today. They are very affordable and they help with posture while walking on the tradmill.