Maybe, but it won't stunt your growth
Nothing, and nor should you attempt to 2nd answer: If your growth plates on the ends of your articulating bones are still active, then eating fermented soy products like soy sauce will do the trick. It has been shown that fermented soy products contain a constituent part that actually wipes out a lot of your body's natural growth hormone. Of course, this sort of 'treatment' should be approved by your doctor.
no, it does not. it is thought to, but it won't stunt your growth! it is still not good for you.
no. but it will stunt your dignity.
Weight vests will not stunt your growth. A person's growth in all internal and it does not matter what types of items they have on them.
Neutering a dog does not stunt their growth. It may affect their metabolism and energy levels, but it does not impact their physical growth.
No, masturbation does not stunt growth. Growth during puberty is mainly determined by genetics and hormones, not by sexual activity. It is a normal and healthy part of human sexuality.
Don't stunt a rabbits growth. How do you stunt a humans growth? Don't stunt a humans growth. A rabbitis,as humans are, a living, feeling, breathing creature. To attempt to alter in any way, the growth rate of a rabbit will negatvely effect this creature. Try stunting a human first, then pubicly demonstrate it. Think of the reaction.Rabbits have been targeted for vivisection for years, give them a break. P.S DO NOT STUNT A HUMAN'S GROWTH
More likely to stunt development.
Light workouts should not stunt growth at all, but bench pressing heavy weights can.
lack of sleep lack of excersize lack of vitamins, minerals, herbs smoking weed smoking cigarettes..( they say that they only say they stunt growth to scare young teens , but think about it it has so many chemicals of course it will stunt your growth in my option) Too many carbs stunt growth too They also say sleeping on too many pillows, because your back is not straight. ALSO STRESS CAN STUNT YOUR GROWTH ALOT, IT AFFECTS YOUR WHOLE BODY. BEING HAPPY AND ENERGETIC IS THE BEST WAY TO GO WHEN YOUR MAD THE BEST THING TO DO IS TAKE YOUR MIND OFF IT LISTEN TO MUSIC AND SING OR SOMETHING THAT'S WHAT I WOULD DO....LIFE IS TO SHORT DONT GET TO MAD AT SOMETHING THAT INST NECESSARY JUST KEEP IT MOVING ***************CAFFEINE DOES NOT STUNT YOUR GROWTH.. LIFTING WEIGHTS DO NOT STUNT YOUR GROWTH , ACTUALLY ALL IT DOES IS MAKE YOUR BONES STRONGER, RIP TISSUE AND BUILD IT BACK UP******************