The magic of skinny jeans, isn't just in the jeans. In order to make your legs look skinny, you have to wear the proper shoes. A pair of converse, vans, toms, Uggs, or flats can be worn to make your legs seem as skinny as you want.
Anything sparkly or azzy would make a match with your pink skinny jeans!
no they don't (at least i think. i never farted in skinny jeans before!)
because they were skinny
Steriods do not make you infertial the cemicails in the pill only shrink your penis. CORRECTION: Steroids do not shrink your penis. If taken at high dosages they may lead to atrophy of the your testicles can shrink. But not your penis...
no, they just think they do.
you can baisiclly wear anything with skinny jeans. you can wear a t-shirt or a nice flowly top and always make sure you accesorize. :)
Make the waste band looser.
As skinny jeans were such a big hit for girls, retailers and clothing makers saw a chance to make money by popularizing them among men. By using persuasive advertising that portrayed skinny jeans as hip and youthful, and sponsoring male celebrities to wear them, skinny jeans were soon accepted as mens legwear.
First you go to the store, find your size, then put them on. If they aren't skinny try getting a smaller size.
Jeans that are a little too long for you make your legs look longer. Don't over do it though. I find that long dark jeans help, with flats. Try a nice heel with dark skinny jeans and your legs will go on for days. Don't wear capris, they can make you look shorter, and try to stay away from wearing skinny jeans and flats. (although they are extremley skinny gilrs)
Unfortunately yes do to harsh chemicals in the marijuana you penis will shrink and make orgasms less satisfying to the sex.