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When it comes to burning calories, your heart rate is much more important than what it is that you are doing. If you can reach and sustain the same heart rate for the same amount of time you will burn pretty much the same amount of calories regardless of activity.

Since jogging will lead to a higher heart rate than walking, you will, minute for minute, burn more calories jogging.

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When it comes to burning calories, your heart rate is much more important than what it is that you are doing. If you can reach and sustain the same heart rate for the same amount of time you will burn pretty much the same amount of calories regardless of activity.

For the same length of time, riding flat out will burn more calories than a casual jog, while running hard can burn more than a casual ride.

When you have a set distance, cycling will burn less calories than walking at the same level of effort, as the higher speed of the bike means you'll finish the distance faster.

Cycling tends to, but running can burn more calories if the cycling is at a lesiurely pace and not fast or intense.

you burn more running

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The number of calories burned is mostly dependent on how hard, and for how long you go at it. Pretty much everything that gets you equally sweaty and windedfor the same amount of time will use up the same number of calories.

Now, you're usually faster on a bike, so if you measure by distance, walking will burn more.

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11y ago

It all depends on how hard and how long you go at it. Calorie burn is much more about effort than about what activity you're doing.

If you ride hard, get all sweaty and winded, then that will burn more calories than going for a casual walk for the same time.

OTOH If you walk fast enough to get winded and sweaty, and compare that to the equal time easy pedalling, then walking will use more calories.

Basically, whatever you do that get you equally winded and sweaty, will use up pretty much the same amount of calories for any given time.

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