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Helps your muscles to build an recover

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Q: Does protein build and repair muscles?
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Related questions

What part of your body would be high in protein?

Muscles would be high in protein. Meat, fish, dairy products, eggs, and plant-based sources such as legumes and tofu are all rich in protein and help build and repair muscles.

Do you build muscles if you drink soda after a workout?

No. You need protein to build muscles. Soda does not have protein.

Does protein help to build your muscles?

Yes, it does. Basically you cannot build muscles without protein.

Which type of molecules does the body use to build and repair muscle tissue?

Muscles are made up of fibers of protein so they use protein to make up damage tissues

What are the best diet and exercise plans to build muscle?

Any diet that you go on to gain muscle should include a lot of protein. Protein will help build and repair muscles after you work out. P90x is a good workout plan to build muscle.

Why does an alhlete need protein?

protein is neede for the body to build muscles, and muscles are important to athletes.

Why is protein important in life?

Growth and repair of muscles.

Why is it important for your body to get protein?

because protein is important to build muscles

What is importance of proteins?

To build and repair muscles, building structures, enzymes, antibodies, repair and maintenance, and growth.Without protein synthesis, there would be no cell growth or maintenance. Without cells, there would be no life.

How do protein affect your body?

they repair torn muscles when you work out...

How much protein do muscles need after a work out?

A good amount of protein after a work about is about 20 grams of protein, which is best in a shake. Your muscles need protein and amino acid and other suppliments to repair your muscles from damage.

Why is it important to eat enough protein?

to build muscles