No, losing weight overall works. Apart from Liposuction, there is no way to spot reduce, and the ads that say you can are all scams.
i guess those lazer things would work
Yes, liposuction to the chin or "double chin" area is performed in Thailand. Those considering this surgery should discuss with their doctor to make sure other alternatives would not work before considering surgery.
If you gain too much of fat it reflects in your face in the form of double chin... So to get rid of it you have to work hard and diet hard to lose fat from all over your body and slowly the double chin will vanish away. Diet and workout is the key...
well only yesterday i tried bandage around my chin with a flat package foam just to see it would work for all day and night in the morning it reduced the chin to lesser flab and i guess if i keep it up it will make my chin normal for years the look of it made me look more like a tardy than a person.
Having a double chin can be influenced by factors like genetics, age, and weight. You can try facial exercises and maintain a healthy diet and exercise routine to help reduce the appearance of a double chin. You may also consider consulting with a dermatologist or plastic surgeon for options like Kybella injections or liposuction for more targeted results.
my nuts and your chin
Your Heart
Exercising machines that help you work out your biceps.
It works with a big ball sack on a chin
Exercising with a hole in your heart or other heart conditions can be difficult due to the danger it presents. This is because the heart gets over exerted and has to work double to perform correctly.
Chin exerciser works by putting exercise on the muscles around your neck, causing them to tighten. The muscles that get put to work gradually recede hanging neck lines for fast, efficient results.