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Yes, you generally do. You absolutely need to be consuming more calories than you burn to add weight. The most important thing is protein - eat about a gram for every pound of body weight.

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9y ago

No. That is not the case. The resting muscles need very less number of calories. They need those little calories for tone of muscles.

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7y ago

Eating does not make muscles at all. Only exercise can enlarge your muscles.

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Q: Do you need more calories if you have a lot of muscles?
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I assume you mean "muscle" (you have the same amount of muscles regardless of how strong you are ). Yes, to a certain extent, the more you eat, the larger your muscles will be. Genetics plays a huge factor into this; some people are naturally huge, some are naturally tiny. However, if you're trying to gain size into your muscles, you should eat a lot of protein and consume more calories than you expound.

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Is it bad to smoke if you plan to build muscles?

It's bad to smoke for a lot of reasons, but there is nothing that directly interferes with building muscles. Just make sure you're eating enough calories (more than you burn). There are plenty of other reasons to quit.

What happens when we excercise?

we get stronger ---- My Answer First of all, you get stronger because you are causing your muscles to work and they adapt by growing bigger and stronger. Secondly, your body is "burning" nutrients called calories. Some calories are unhealthy but some you need. "Burning" calories is when your body is trying to provide you with energy because you are using a lot of the energy to excersise.