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No you cant. Your blood will run to your head and you will injure yourself

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Q: Can you walk on your hands for the rest of your life?
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it affects people by making them unable to walk. They will walk with a limp the rest of their life with surgery or without it. -Bee

Can you walk on your head?

No, but you can walk on your hands

What is the best way to carry a bale of hay?

hold the two strands of twine with your hands pick it up using your legs and kind of rest it on one of your legs as you walk with it. its hard on the hands though.

Can people really walk on there hands?

yes. I can walk on my hands very far. All you need to do is practice.

Did people in the 1800 sometimes walk on their hands?

Yes people in the 1800's sometimes would walk on there hands. This was only for the less wealthy people. Most people did only just walk upright but yes some chose to still walk on there hands.

Do humans walk on their metacarpals or metatarsals?

humans walk on their metatarsals. Metatarsals are the center area of the foot, metacarpals are the palms(on the hands).

How does a a chimpanzee walk?

they often walk like gorillas by using their hands

Can babies walk on their hands?

no you dummy

How girl should walk?

On their hands?

How do you do a natural beauty pageant walk?

Walk slow , Do your step step turns at each X . Smile . Hands down no hands on hips ! Catwalk in front of the judges . Hands should be by your side .

What is three examples of friction occurring in every day life?

Your ability to pick up anything (it is harder when your hands are greasy), your ability to walk (that is why it is more difficult on ice), why your hands feel warmer when they are rubbed together.

How long would it take to walk 185 miles?

It depends on how fast you can walk, and how many hours you can do without a rest, how long you rest.