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Q: Can you do weight loss exercise in air conditioned room?
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Are there any exercises for weight loss that can be done at home?

Most exercises can be completed in the sanctity of your own living room. With exercise dvds you can complete exercises that will burn calories.

What do exercise videos help to do?

Exercise videos help people to get in shape by demonstrating different types of exercise to help one loose weight. It is often demonstrated by a group of people in a room exercising with music and one can follow to get in shape and loose weight.

How can you make your nose runny?

Get wet then sit in an air conditioned room.

Why is it that when you are entering an air conditioned room you are told to close the door always?

To maintain the temperature within that room.

How do you keep my pregnant cat cool?

Keep the room well air conditioned.

Will a cloth dry faster in a normal temperature room or a air conditional room at night?

A cloth will dry faster in a room with low humidity and good air circulation, such as in an air-conditioned room. The dry air helps to evaporate moisture from the cloth more quickly. So, during the night when temperatures are cooler and humidity is lower, the cloth may dry faster in an air-conditioned room compared to a normal temperature room.

What are the health benefits of sitting in a steam room?

Health benefits include increased circulation and a loss of weight. You should consult with your doctor before deciding to use a steam room.

What unit of measurement would be used to measure the temperature of an air-conditioned room?

Degrees Celsius.

What will happen if you put the air conditioner's compressor in the air-conditioned room?

It would be loud and annoying.

Why you feel cold when you are alone in an air conditioned room and you feel warm when the room is filled by your classmates?

Because people give off heat.

What are some signs of eating disorders?

A few defiant signs could be.. •Prominent Loss of Appetite •Dramatic Weight Loss/Increase •Hair Loss •Tooth/Teeth Decay •Hidden 'stash' of Edibles in ones room

Does iron placed in an air conditioned room rust?

Iron can still rust in an air conditioned room if there is moisture present in the air. Air conditioning can reduce humidity levels, but if the room is not well-sealed or if there are other sources of moisture, rust can still occur. It's important to keep iron objects dry to prevent rusting.