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While actually exercising will cause your pulse rate to increase, when you are fitter your resting rate will be lower than before.

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Q: Can sport lower your pulse rate?
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What is normal range for pulse rate and what can either raise or lower a pulse?

The normal pulse rate for an audult is 60 to 100 per minute. If you want to rasie your pulse then run around, if you want to lower your pulse then sit down and drink cold water.

Is a child's pulse rate high or lower then an adult resting pulse rate?

A child's pulse rate is higher then an adult as they do more exercise but if a child is resting then it will be lower hoped this helped :)

What is a good pulse rate and a bad pulse rate?

A normal pulse is anywhere from 60-100 bpm so if your on the lower end id say its good and the higher end not as good

Your pulse rate started at 81 and then after a 120 minute run your pulse was only 120 is that right should your pulse be lower before you do your exercise?

Yes, the faster you exercise, the higher the pulse rate. Note: your pulse should and will eventually slow down and return to normal.

Would the pulse rate be higher or lower after running for 10 minutes?


The average human pulse rate is?

The average adult resting pulse rate is between 70-80 beats per minute. Athletes may have slightly lower pulse rates and obese people higher.

Is it better to have a low pulse rate or a high pulse rate?

Lower is usually better since athletic hearts beat slower because they can pump more blood easier.

Why do you take an apical pulse for people on digoxin?

You need to accurately check the heart rate. Digoxin can lower the heart rate to dangerous levels. You should not administer digoxin when pulse rate is already below 60.

Do older people have a higher pulse rate than younger people?

they have a lower heart rate. younger people have a higher heart rate

What is the pulse rate of a California blackworm?

the average pulse rate of te California blackworm is 7 to 8 beats per minutes, however this rate can be changed or altered easily by in the induction of other subtancses that can either raise or lower the pulse rate (such as caffeine or alcohol.) So thep use rate can very widely

How are your breathing rate and pulse rate related?

The breathing rate and pulse rate are related proportionally. If the breathing rate increases, so does the pulse rate. The pulse rate is an indication of the breathing rate.

Can you have arithmia when your pulse rate is high?

Why do you have your pulse rate taken? Why do you have your pulse rate taken?