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Q: Can someone strain too hard when pooping?
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Can straining too hard while you are pooping kill you?

Yes. People with an abdominal aneurysm can cause it to rupture if they strain too hard.

What is a ligament strain?

Its a strain on the ligament, when you pull your ligament too far it strains the elasticity and it hurts cause its pulled too hard.

What happens if you flex too hard and strain your muscles?

If you flex too hard and strain your muscles, it can lead to muscle damage, pain, and inflammation. This can result in limited mobility and discomfort, requiring rest and proper treatment to heal.

Why do you get Heart disease?

By pooping too much

Can an eye be strained if there is blindness in the other eye?

Yes, you can actually pop your non-blind eyeball if you strain it too hard

What happens if you flex your muscles too hard?

If you flex your muscles too hard, you may experience muscle strain, pain, and potential injury. It is important to listen to your body and avoid overexerting yourself to prevent these issues.

When I wipe my butt after pooping it's black?

this happens to me too!

What is another name for someone who is too busy?

a hard worker

Strain in a sentence?

The strain on her patience became too much, and she snapped.

What happens if you consume too much or too little protein?

too much protein can cause strain on the kidneys too much protein can cause strain on the kidneys

You are looking for a hard core song which has someone talking at the beginning and then someone says 'BOUNCE' and it goes into someone screaming or singing?


Why does Venice have so many masks?

people are pooping too much and it makes masks