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Q: Be very concise as much as possible Thank you in advance What is in miles the Walking length distance around track 8 What about 5 times around track 8 6 times 8 times around track 8?
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Related questions

Would a concise essay have a lot of extraneous details?

No, a concise essay would not have a lot of extraneous details. Extraneous details are irrelevant pieces of information thrown in to fill space, while the purpose of a concise essay is to get your point across with as little filler as possible.

Which word means to use as few words as possible to tell a story?

The word is "concise."

What is the definition of a concise?

It means to be brief and to the point. An example or definition of something with as few words as possible.

What words means to use as few words as possible to tell a story?

concise succinct to the point short precis

What is the difference between Precise and Concise?

precise is precise and concise is concise

How do use the word concise in a sentence?

Here are a couple.His concise speech explained the situation quickly.Tell me in concise detail.

What is Concise's population?

The population of Concise is 714.

What does concise?

Concise means short and to the point; succinct.

A sentence with the word concise?

Concise' means 'appropriately brief or to the point.' Thus, several concise example-sentences of this adjective in action would be as follows: 'The speaker's talk was concise' and 'Being concise is important.'

How do you clear defaults off your credit file?

you have to submit a statement regarding each default to each credit reporting. Try to be as concise as possible.

What is the synonym for concise?

Two synonyms for concise are exact and precise.

What is a sentence for the word concise?

The word you want me to spell is the word ''concise''.