

Best Answer
  • Yes, you will need to lose some weight.
  • Yes, 180 pounds is overweight for your height.
  • Dont worry if u want to lose weight but cant try playing a sport like football, football or football it is super fun and not only do u lose weight but your body gets stronger. At 9 i was unfit and gross now im fit and told to be the strongest kid at my school at 13 i bench 150 in a set of 6 and i weigh 150 so i bench my weight (that was my goal in life). plz consider playing football i did not want to at first and was way more unfit then u so try football you will get addicted. Also it wont hurt to go the chargers right?:)
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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

Yes, for a woman the ideal weight is aprox. 55 kg at 1,65 m (don't use non-SI units).

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