It is up to you if you wish to get a Vitamaster Treadmill. These are reliable products and may serve you well, so you must do analysis and inquire about them before purchasing.
You can find customer reviews for the Vitamaster treadmill at or reviews. Know before you buy is the way to go.
No, Target does not sell this type of treadmill. Their website currently sells treadmills of other brands like Proform and Merit, but not of the vitamaster.
Based on what I have read online, apparently the most popular Vitamaster Treadmill is the Vitamaster 1700. As newer versions are coming out all the time however, I am unsure as to how or why this would be the best version to purchase.
About 2 and a half dollars
I am not sure where to a buy a cheap or second hand Vitamaster treadmill. You may want to check local thrift stores or yard sales. Check online by conducting a search to see if any are available.
Yes, they do. Vitamaster sells alot of different varietys of treadmills. They also sell a big variety of treadmill accessories. They have a great website so that you can pick the one that you want.
It just stopped working. All he screens work just no motion
where to down load a vitamaster 820 owners manual
A name brand treadmill recommended by your local sporting goods store will last along time.e
The black clipon is to attach to your ear for measuring your pulse. It has to be clipped on all the way to get good readings. The white clipon is a safety cutoff. It will stop the treadmill if you fall. Hook it to the waistband of your shorts or sweats. I have one of hese machines. Hope this helps. Roger