Kegel exercises are completely safe for a healthy person to do.
Kegel exercises are beneficial in that they help control the muscles which control ones bladder. Women who are pregnant often do kegel exercises to help strengthen their pelvic muscles.
KEY-gul. The gynecologist who developed pelvic floor muscle exercises now known as Kegel exercises or "Kegels" was Dr. Arnold Kegel, who was an early proponent of the exercises. His original pelvic toning device was called the "perineometer".
Vaginal muscles can be strengthened through pelvic floor exercises, also known as Kegel exercises. These exercises involve contracting and relaxing the muscles of the pelvic floor to improve muscle tone and control. Regular practice of Kegel exercises can help improve bladder control, sexual function, and overall pelvic health.
There is an English word isometric. Isometric can be used such as in isometric exercises. In these exercises, they can be done at a desk or other similar furniture, where the person could, for example, pull his stomach in and out, or tighten his thigh muscles, without moving the rest of his body and therefore no one knowing that he was practicing isometric exercises.
Mild conditions of dropped uterus, aka Uterine Prolapse, can be helped by doing Kegel exercises to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor and vagina. Sometimes these conditions require surgical correction, however. The Kegel exercises are the same regardless of the condition being treated. See the related questions below for information and links about Kegel exercises and how to do them.
Yes. Many women do Kegel exercises when driving or when sitting with morning coffee as a routine part of the day. See more information in the related questions below.
Some good pelvic floor exercises to try are Kegel exercises and Pilates. There are Kegel exercises for men and women. These exercises can help women recover muscle tone after pregnancy.
Anyone of any age or sex can do Kegel exercises without harm or side effects. The efficacy may depend on age and reason for the exercises, since a very young male child would not be needing Kegel exercises for the purpose of treating erectile dysfunction, but it would be helpful if incontinence is a problem. See the related questions below for more information and links.
Isotonic and Isometric exercise are the two types of the exercises. In Isotonic exercise you do not use the load or weight. You can use the antagonist muscle contractions in Isotonic muscle exercises. In isometric exercises you use the weight or load to develop the muscles. You know the term, metric tone. So in Isometric exercise you lift the weight.
If they're smart, Kegel exercises.