Treadmills are great for you to use for cardiovascular exercise and burning fat. You can burn more calories the faster you run or the longer you stay on the treadmill. You can explore the different programed options on your treadmill and find what works best for you.
I recommend the burst training exercise, and intense cardio workout which my personal trainer had taught me. I would start on speed 6.0 and run for 45 seconds. I would step out on the sides and rest for 30 seconds before running again but with an increased speed of 7.0. I would repeat this process increasing the speed each time until I reach 10.0. Once I have reached 10.0 I would work back down decreasing it to 9.0 until I have reached 6.0. The burst training exercise is an advanced style of running on the treadmill. Once you get used to a particular style of exercising on the treadmill, it is good to increase the speed, time, or incline to continue to challenge your body to burn more calories.
Treadmill is excellent for cardio and for burning fat, so yes, you can. For best results, alternate with strength training, every other day.
Treadmills are a excellent workout source for low to medium impact workout's. They specialize in the cardio vascular system which means your breathing etc. However you should also supliment a treadmill with weights and other types of fitness. Just remember to excerise moderatly and consult a doctor if needed.
There are some good treadmills out there on sale box flex is one . If you go to bestbuy or walmart or sears they all have treadmills at good prices ... Exercise & Fitness Cardio Training Treadmills
Yes horizon treadmills can be good and great exercise . And yes they can be a good investment especially if it is brand new and a top brand .
Yes, you can get small treadmills at the exercise store. Alot of the small treadmills are sold at the exercise store and not the big ones. They do sell some large ones.
Treadmills are certainly good for running. Whether you go outside and run or use a treadmill, the type of exercise is exactly the same in both methods.
There are many different kinds of treadmills. The kind of treadmill you need factors in the price. There are space saving or fold up treadmills. A treadmill is a great exercise machine.
Academy Sports sales very affordable, good quality exercise equipment. Their treadmills and bowflex machines are often heavily discounted so would be a good source to purchase from.
You can run the pre-programmed exercise programs available in these treadmills. Or you can also raise the incline in order to simulate hills and boost endurance and strength.
Cardiovascular exercises, such as cycling, jogging, treadmills, exercise bikes. Use these to burn fat and keep the fat off by continuing the exercise regimen
Treadmills are home exercise units. They are carefully designed to provide user to do exercise in a simulated environment. It is essential to look out for genuine quality certification if one plans to buy from flea markets, which usually sell flawed but cheap commodities.
They are moderately good for health, but treadmill isn't the only way of getting cardiac exercise in the comfort of your home. Use P90x or something similar and you should be in better health in no time at all.
Bally Fitness and Gold's Gym are two national gym facilities that have treadmills for workouts. You can find out more at and
Treadmills and Ellipicals are good aerobic exercise machines. They both work out your legs alot and are inexpensive. Many people own one at home or you can use them at the gym.