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Q: Any rhythmic repeated physical activity that uses either or both your arms and legs and requires a large amount of oxygen for an extended period of time?
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What is the name given for an activity that requires an extended amount of oxygen?

Aerobic Exercise

Is karate a physically activity?

Yes, it is a physical activity that requires one to use muscles and the body.

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Because it is an addictive video game that requires very minimal physical activity.

Can you lose weight skiing?

Yes. Its a physical activity that requires your muscles in your body to operate and work which causes you to sweat

What is the type of exercise that intense physical activity that requires little oxygen but involves short bursts of energy?


IS reining considered a physical activity?

Yes, all kinds of horse-back riding can be classified as physical activity. While it may look easy and like you are just sitting there, there is a lot of things going on that requires you be in shape.

What is the definition of physical activity?

Physical activity is any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles that requires energy expenditure. It encompasses activities such as walking, running, cycling, and sports. Regular physical activity is essential for maintaining overall health and well-being.

Is American dances considered a sport?

Yes, all forms of dance are sports because it is a physical activity that requires amazing skill and dedication.

Does aerobic have oxygen?

Yes, aerobic means "with oxygen". Aerobic exercise refers to physical activity that requires oxygen to meet the body's energy demands.

Activity that requires more than two people?

activity that requires more than two people and begins with M

What are the limits to lucid dreaming?

Lucid dreaming should not be practiced every night or for an extended period of time. Natural dreams are necessary to both emotional and physical health, and the conscious mind requires the rest obtained only through natural sleep. Lucid dreaming should not be used as a recreational activity and is best when guided by a knowledgeable professional.

Is lifting a pencil work?

Yes, lifting a pencil requires using muscles, which is considered physical work. However, in the context of physical activity or exercise, lifting a pencil would not be considered a significant form of exercise.