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If it is a normal workout, then a shower is best in my opinion. However, if there is extreme soreness, or you feel there may me some muscles that were strained, a good hot bath would be better.

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Q: After workout should take a bath or shower?
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Should you take a bath or a shower?

A shower! So you don't soak in dirty bath water!

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Take a shower or a bath

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Is it safe to do a heavy workout while taking a shower?

I would probably wait til after the workout to take your shower. ha

Should females take a bath or shower?

There is no should. It is a matter of personal choice and availability.

Do it take less water to take a shower or a bath?

It depends how long it takes you to shower

Do you take a cold or hot shower after a workout?

Cool down for a bit then take a kinda warm shower

Do egyptians take a shower or a bath?

they take neither a shower nor bath they just dip them self in the ole river or other rivers

How long do dogs usually take a shower?

Dogs usually don't take showers. When their human bathes them, the human decides how long the dog should be in the bath or shower.

Should you use a shower insted of a bath?

Taking a shower typically uses less water than taking a bath, so it can be more water-efficient. Showers are also generally quicker and can help save time in your daily routine. However, the choice between a shower and a bath ultimately depends on personal preference and needs.

What consume more water shower or bucket bath?

A long shower will take more water than a bath, but a bath will usually use more water than a short shower.

Is it normal not to take a shower or a bath for some time?

it is not normal... it is gross if you don't take a bath or shower for a long time because you will smell and be gross.