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fatty acids

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Q: After the first day or so of fasting which of the following is most depleted in the body?
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After the first day or so of fasting what is most depleted in the body?

fatty acids

When fasting what does the body use first for energy?


What is the first source of stored energy to be used during a period of fasting is?

During a period of fasting, the body first uses stored glycogen from the liver and muscles as a source of energy. Once the glycogen stores are depleted, the body starts breaking down fat reserves to produce energy through a process called lipolysis.

When fasting or eating a very low calorie diet vlcd for prolonged periods the body will find fuel from its energy stores One of the first reserves the body will use is from?

When fasting or on a very low-calorie diet, the body initially breaks down glycogen stores in the liver and muscles for energy. Once glycogen is depleted, the body starts to rely on stored fat for fuel through a process called lipolysis.

Why is fasting considered to purify body?

fasting is considered to purify the body

Why fasting is considered to purify the body.?

fasting is considered to purify the body

Which of the following is used to supply some of the fuel needed by the brain only after the body has been fasting for a while?


Does fasting continues beyond glycogen depletion body protein will be broken down to make glucose?

Yes, when glycogen stores are depleted during fasting, the body will start breaking down body proteins, such as muscle tissue, to synthesize glucose through a process called gluconeogenesis. This allows the body to maintain blood glucose levels for energy production. However, the body will prioritize using fatty acids for energy before breaking down body proteins.

Why is carbohydrate called protein sparer?

When your body needs energy, it will first use carbohydrates stored in your body, sparing the protein and fats in your body. When the stored carbohydrates are depleted, the body will start using protein and fats.

When fasting where does your body get its energy?

From stored fats

Can you take antihistamine while fasting for Ramadan?

Anything that enters the human body while you are fasting breaks your fast.

How does fasting make your skin clear?

Fasting clears the body of debris by allowing it to concentrate on cleansing rather than digestion.