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Q: A sprinter is asked to include weight training and plyometrics in his /her workout. Which fitness component will this improvepowerbalancecoordinationreaction time?
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Why would one recommend a plyometrics workout?

One would recommend a plyometrics workout if you were training for a sport and trying to increase your joint flexibility and strength. Plyometrics causes your muscles to contract faster helping increase elasticity and strength.

Is punchbag training plyometric?

NO, plyometrics is "jump training" which is jumping the whole time. Plyometrics relates to any activity that requires speed and strength, as it improves your ability to run faster, jump higher, and move in multidirectional sports.

When is plyometrics applied to a training program?

Plyometrics can and should be applied to a training program concurrently with a resistance training program. Varied volumes of plyometrics can also be applied to a training program during all phases and even during the season.Combining resistance training and plyometrics in the same session is called "complex training" and studies have revealed it to be superior than simply training one technique or another.Complex training can be accomplished by intermixing plyometric exercises with resistance training OR by following a plyometric session with a resistance training session.It is advised to lower the volume sets, and reps when performing complex training. You should feel fresh, and as if you are jumping at you very highest during a plyometric training session, and you do not want to be fatigued for the resistance portion of your training.Complex training allows the central nervous system to maintain jumping efficiency, while increasing strength, and tendon elasticity, which results in a greater total gain in power.While additional strength does aid in avoiding overuse injuries, especially to the knees, there is not a "requisite" amount of relative strength that must be obtained before undertaking a plyometric program. Essentially your sport involved plyometrics, and such a "requisite" would suggest that it is inappropriate to play your sport until strength levels have been reached.This information is taken and adapted from:

What happens to the body when you do plymetrics?

Plyometrics is a form of training that helps an athlete increase power and speed. Plyometrics tricks the mind and helps improve the muscle to move quickly. With the explosive and quick movement during training it trains the muscle to work differently.

How great is a plyometrics workout?

Plyometrics workouts focus on the lower body and work towards speed and strength improvements. This workout added to your regular workout will add a new dimension to your training.

Can plyometrics help a person maintain cardiorespiratory fitness?

Yes, plyometrics can help a person maintain cardiorespiratory fitness. Plyometrics is a form of jump training. It consists of exercises that exert a lot of force in a short period of time. It looks to increase speed and power, thus, why it would be a good form of cardiorespiratory fitness.

Opportunites for advancement for a pe teacher?

It requires in cardiovascular conditioning [running,sprints,plyometrics ,core training,Pilates, Yoga,and abdominal conditioning] in addition to weight training.

What is a plyometrics workout?

Originally developed for the Olympics, plyometric is known as jump training. It is designed to increase muscular power and explosiveness. It has become a popular workout routine for people of all ages.

What has the author Donald A Chu written?

Donald A. Chu has written: 'Jumping into plyometrics' -- subject(s): Exercise, Physical education and training

What does plyometrics exercise help with?

Plyometric training trains the central nervous to "master" a certain skill or movement, as you repeat activity specific activities.PLyometrics also improve the elasticity of muscle tendons, which allow you to return energy back into a movement for added power. EX. Jumping takes your own bodyweight and propels if back up.Plyometrics also can help with strength, however it is better to couple plyometrics with strength training to get maximum effect.The following is a free video explanation of the different phases of plyometrics: this helps.Jacob HillerThe Jump Manual

What are some good exercises to do with the kettlebell?

Simple plyometrics and even strength training is possible with a simple piece of equipment that is a kettlebell. For example, interval lifting of the kettlebell to various heights and positions may help in strength training.