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valve guide seals are bad replacement is easy enough, remove tensioner, valve cover, cam mains,cam shaft. pull one plug at a time, other plugs will keep crank from moving when you put compressed air in, and set piston to top dead center...keep timing gear on chain and keep under tension by suspending it to hood or something so it doesnt skip a tooth but if you turn by the crank it will roll inline with it (i used a shoe lace through the center hold and it spun on that) once piston is tdc put compression tester hose in plug hole and inflate with air (20-30psi should do) while comb. chamber is filled with air valve should stay firmly in place. gently pry off guide seals with small screwdriver and replace...repeat process for all cylinders and assemble in reverse order nothing torque specs

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Q: Your 1990 Mercedes 190e stalls after about 30 mins takes atleast 3hrs to start bback up and black smoke coming out of exhaust is it your head gasket?
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Where is the leak coming from. Most likely you will need to replace the exhaust manifold gasket which will require removing the exhaust manifold.

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an exhaust flange gasket, is the gasket,commonly called a donut that is used to seal where the exhaust pipe is bolted to the exhaust manifold

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if it's coming from the tail pipe or an exhaust leak, it means you have a blown head gasket!

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Water condensation coming from the exhaust is normal when the vehicle has been sitting in a wet area, but should stop once it is warmed up. Water from the exhaust after it is warmed up and white smoke from the exhaust is an indication of a blown head gasket.

Does an exhaust gasket need silicone?

No, the exhaust gases are too hot. Generally a collapsible metal gasket is used on exhaust.