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Your power brake booster is shot.

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Q: Why does the car rev when you press on the brake?
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What happens when you press accelerator and brake together in motor car?

When you press the accelerator and brake together in a motor car, the engine will rev, but the brake will stop it from moving. Doing this repeatedly can cause the vehicle damage.

When you press the brake in your car you hear air and sometimes when you press the brake your car dies?

Sounds like your power brake booster diaphragm is busted or there is a leak in the vacuum line going to the brake booster.

Does pressing the brake in an automatic car disengage the gear mechanism For example what is the difference in engine strain if i press the brake in the car or if i let the brake go when uphill?

When you brake it does not take your car out of gear.

How do you rev up your car?

start the engine and press the gas pedal while it is in park

What causes your car to die when you press the brake?

A faulty power brake vacuum booster could do that.

How do you stop a race car?

To end (stop) a race car, press the brake pedal.

When in idle car and you press brake it jerks and then stalls?

Sounds like the power brake booster is bad.

Why is my gear shifter locked .my car is started but will not shift into gear?

the brake interlock press on the brake to release it

How do you drive an auto transmission car? brake 2. put car in "D" 3. Drive

How do you rev up a manual car?

Simple , very easy, addictive yet pretty nice haha :p just press the clutch when on gear and throw it in neutral and press the gas....or if car is not moving same thing you throw in neutral and press gas... Unless.... You wanna drag race or just race you put gear 1 and rev it to the rpm that your car has the perfect launch ;) hope i helped !

How do cars use friction to stop?

When you press the brake pedal in a car, it activates the brake system, which uses friction to convert the kinetic energy of the moving car into heat energy. This friction occurs between the brake pads (which press against the brake rotors) and the wheels, causing the car to slow down and eventually stop.

What does a brake drum do for my car?

A brake drum is really important and is the main mechanism that is used when you press the brake. Basically, it stops the vehicle by pressing a giant board against the wheel, causing fiction and stopping the car.