Iown a 2001 Jetta, and have no idea what "interrupt the fuse legend" means.
Fuse 28
S13 - 10amp
Number 13 uses 10 AMP fuse
Take out the "Door lock fuse".
It is number 41 and it is a 15 amp fuse.
Under the dashboard, a relay "box" that plugs into the fuse panel
The fuse box is located on the driver side, open door and look on the left side of the panel. There you will find the fuse box. You will have to look for the tail light fuse, but it is there.
there should be a card on the door of your fuse panel that has symbols for each fuse, matching each fuse number with its function. the fuse panel is on the driver's side of the dash - you have to open the car door to access it.
where is the fuse for the airconditioning for 2000 jetta vw located
== == Go to a Volkswagen dealer, and ask the parts department to copy it out of their master book, for a small price.
Where is the radiator to put fluid for 2001 jetta?