no that is a ford thing not Audi no cut off
The fuel cut off switch on this vehicle should be found below the heater. It is slightly raised from the floor by two screws.
Were is the fuel cutoff switch on a 2001 Renault laguna
I called Pontiac there is no cfuel cut off switch.
The fuel pump shut off switch ( inertia switch ) is in the front passengerfootwell behind the kick panel ( there is an access hole ) on a 2001 Ford Focus
Chevrolet does not use inertia or reset switches.
where is fuel shut off on an 2001 Chevy prizm There isn't a fuel shutoff switch on any car. There is a rev limiter to cut back on the fuel at a set rate of speed.jd
passenger side floorboard panel
fuel cut off switch
no switch, just relay and fuse in fuse box under hood.
Pontiac does not use an inertia fuel cut off switch.
no fuel cut off switch on s60's