Hi, Not sure about the 00 model - most OBD2 plugs are close to the central ashtray. However on my 2003 Seat Ibiza the OBD2 plug is on the left side of the car - below the steering wheel on the left is a tiny glove compartment. Remove that compartment and behind it you'll find the plug. Took me 30 minutes to find! Blaise
It should be OBD2. I think 96-00 civics are all OBD2
The OBD2 connector on a 2000 Prelude is located on the passenger side of the center console, behind a small access door just underneath the dashboard, toward the front.
Seat Bracket 3.BN-2475K-00-00
Not sure of the size but here are the Yamaha part numbers 3VD-13455-00-00 Plug 214-11198-01-00 Gasket Hope This Helps.
The country code for Spain is +34, so from England you dial 00 34 and then the 9-digit Spanish number.
0.035-0.043 in
under the left side of the engine tunnel. You need to unscrew the cross-head screw between the seat and petrol flap. Then lift the seat and undo the two 11mm nuts either side of the hinge. The inspection panel can now be removed by tugging forwards and up at the same time. Acees to the spark-plug is now available. PS...The above refers to 98 - 00 models for sure.
Ass in seat - As in; "We are leaving at 4:00 so AIS at 3:55"
depends on the year if your car is 00 and newer it will be under the coils if it is older it will be on the top under the spark plug wires.
Your bike takes part# NGK-BP6HS-00-00; PLUG, SPARK (NGK BP6HS). The plug when purchased new should already be gapped correctly. But if you are cleaning and reusing the old plug, then your gap is 0.024 So that you are confident in the answer look here. http://www.ngksparkplugs.com/part_finder/motorcycles/step4.asp?id=2998&type=reg Hope This Helps
No , both the 4.6 and 5.4 liter V8 engines in a 2000 Ford Expedition have Coil On Plug ( C.O.P. ) ignition systems
2.2 OHV 98-earlier 0.060 in. '99-'00 0.050 in. 2001 0.040 in. 2.3-2.4 OHC '95-'97 0.060 in. '98-'00 0.050 in. 2001-0.050 in.