under the front hood, behind the spare tire. right next to the washer fluid reservoir.
Behind the front driver seat.
Come now: we don't call them "slave" cylinders anymore, it's not polite. They are Wheel Cylinders and Clutch Cylinders.But to answer your question: any car with a hydraulic clutch uses brake fluid as clutch fluid, and one reservoir serves both systems.
It uses brake fluid in the brake fluid reservoir. The clutch fluid (brake fluid) is fed by the brake fluid reservoir. The clutch fluid reservoir is just beneath the brake fluid reservoir. So, add fluid to the brake fluid reservoir to fill the clutch fluid, also.
In the trunk, on the left-side wall.
For a 1973 Super Beetle the reservoir is located under the front hood on the drivers side. The two lines that exit the reservoir are for your dual master cylinder. One line fills the front and the other the rear brake lines.
under the front hood under the spare tire
where is the brake fluid reservoir on a 2006 jetta
i found it! it is up past the air intake hose near the firewall.
2500 ml engine oil, 3000 ml gear oil, and however much brake fluid will go in it.
Master cylinder, is the brake fluid reservoir. It is mounted on the brake booster, on the firewall, driver's side.Master cylinder, is the brake fluid reservoir. It is mounted on the brake booster, on the firewall, driver's side.
The clutch uses DOT 3 or 4 brake fluid, and shares the reservoir with the brake system. The brake fluid reservoir is the same as the clutch fluid reservoir.
hold brake fluid