There is no such animal as a 97 ford fairmont.
Behind the AC control panel on the dash... Go figure!!!
Isuzu is still producing its motors and cars. But I'm afraid that Isuzu will go out of business soon.
I also have 96 Isuzu Hombre and the exact same thing happened to me. It was a very easy fix too! It just needed clutch fluid. You can check it easily too. There is a small, cup like container on the drivers side of the truck, up near the firewall. Use DOT 3 brake fluid to fill it. When this happened to me it was completely dry. A friend told me about it, and checked it for me, and once it was filled up I didn't have any problems.
Go to google and type in hombre wiper motor. You will find that it takes you to a module connected to the wiper motor that burns out and has given GM owners problems for a long time. You should be able to get one at a parts store for about $20.00. bad ground wire / switch falty
you need to replace the flasher, its usually under the dash, drivers side; go to your local auto parts store to see what they look like and it will help you locate yours
Hombre, ¿Puedes salir conmigo?
The hazard switch is the flasher mod.
The hazzard light switch in the middle of the dash includes the flasher.
Will a 1985 GMC 2.8 v6 GO IN TO A 1994 iSUZU PICK UP
There are no Flasher Fuses per sey. There is a turn signal fuse, and there is a Flasher Relay. Go to and look up component locations.
Alvaro Lemmon goes by El Hombre Caiman.