The first Renault Megane was released for sale to the genral public in 1995. This car hailed as a family car that would be affordable for the masses.
Will a Renault Megane V Plate ignition barrel fit a Renault Megane Cabriolet R PLate?
Yes there is a coolant sensor in the Renault megane.
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A Renault Megane is an European car, if you are in the United States, it will be hard to find one, but if you are in United Kingdom, it will be easier as many places will carry one.
The Renault Megane convertible was debuted by the French automaker Renault in 1995. The Megane was unveiled in the fall of 1995 with a unique, safety themed marketing plan.
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There are a few places one can find information on the new Renault Megane. Check out car reviews site first, such as AutoTrader, as they usually review most vehicles.
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