It depends on the vehicle; various places generally. Under the dash, on the side of the console, under the hood in a box usually near the drivers side fender, under the hood on the firewall... to find out for certain, you'll need a book covering your vehicle. Try a chiltons manual or go to your local library.
fuse boxs ford f150
drivers side low under dash
on the left side at the firewall
Eat santas ball sack
Its the fuse and if not its the fuse Boxs. by the cluch or brake peddle.
Probably , there would be a fuse box in the passenger compartment and a Power Distribution Box ( which is " live " ) located in the engine compartment
The underhood fuse box is the only one.The underhood fuse box is the only one.
My model is only a few years newer, but I doubt they change the fuse boxs layouts that drastically from year-to-year. Try checking in the under-hood fuse box - fuse #8 (10 Amp).
under the hood,passenger side, front of engine, passenger side of radiator,mounted on the relay panel(4or5 boxs)look for a long black thing and pull down on it, it take a #15 fuse under the hood,passenger side, front of engine, passenger side of radiator,mounted on the relay panel(4or5 boxs)look for a long black thing and pull down on it, it take a #15 fuse in the fuse box under dash drivers side
open the hood of the car, near the top of the left front wheel well. Its a substantially sized rectangle.
TWO. One under the rear seat on the driver side and one under the hood. Envoy enthusiast forum!
there is 4 fuse boxs on a camery i know i havbe a 96 camery my self one id in the driver side just bast the door one in the little change holder and 2 under the hood