The spark plugs are screwed into the head on the passenger side of the motor. Theres six sparkplug cables connecting them to the distributor, just pull them off and the plugs are there in the recesses. Don't forget wich cable goes to wich plug because your car will not run if they aren't in the correct place.
To install the oil filter in a BMW 325i, year 1994. Do I need to put oil, in the filter comparment
plugs into the rear differential
What is the sparkplug gap for 93 bmw 325i
where is the location of the spark plugs on a 97 BMW 318 ti.
The battery in your 325i is in the trunk on the passengers side under a plastic cover.
I have a 2002 BMW 325i that does the same thing. I found out that the connection point between the oil well and spark plug gets wet from the oil. This is caused by the deterioration from the spark plug boot. You need to replace all the rubber boots on your spark plug ends and maybe your plugs if you have not done so within the last 3 to 6 years.
verry carfully
In the trunk on the right side.