

What is tourq?

Updated: 10/21/2022
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15y ago

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it might be a kind of color: blue it appears in one of our customer's order, and i happened know it.

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Q: What is tourq?
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Valve tourq on a bayou 220?

the vaulve tourk on a 220 bayou should be enougt to make the quad run

When should you drive in 4 wheel drive High?

Only in very deep Sand or snow because u need alot more tourq to move

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The answer is not easily available in the US, but can be found in the manuals found in Europe. Check page 29 of the manual at the link below.

How much tourq does a 4.0 ford sport trac engine have?

According to my Consumer Guide book : A ( 2002 ) Ford Explorer Sport Trac 4.0L SOHC , V6 engine is rated at : ( 210 horsepower at 5200 RPM and 240 lb-ft torque at 3000 RPM )

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Its sounds like the tourq converter clutch might be worn out. But i cant say anything unless i looked at it. It could be poor engine compression. it could be anything.....

How do you change the transmission fluid on a 5.7L vortec 2500 Where is the drain plug and how do you fill?

there is no drain plug for the tranny, and you will you have to fill your tranny through your dip stick. but you will have to drop the pan down in order to change the fluid and you will have to replace your seal and might as well replace your filter it cost most the time under 20 dollars at a auto parts store and it will take between three and five quarts to Finn your pan back up. there should be on most tourq converters a drain plug, but that is accessable through your dust cover, that can hold about seven quarts. but other then that you just have to tighten the pan bolts back to spec. you should be able to ask a person at the dealership for the specs.

How much transmission fluid do you need to replace the transmission fluid and filter on a 1993 Chevy G20 van?

Well I don't have a book for the fuild specs, but the most common thing to do would be to add 3 quarts and check it, then just add 1 quart at a time until it reaches the dipstick on the full mark. Now you are gonna want to start it and let it set there and run until its up to normal operating temperature.(While you wait for this, it would be a good time to look for leaks) After it gets to normal running temperature check the tranny fluid with the motor still running, you will propably have to add more because some of the fluid has now went into the tourq converter and tranny lines, Just add fluid until it reaches the full mark on the dipstick and you should be good to go.

How does a rear axel work?

a rear axel is the most common part of any wheeled device that has a front axel. these two axels are sperated into two groups; the front (front axel) and the rear (rear axel) being the most common of the two. now that we've broken these groups down understanding the fundimentles of the complexity that is konw as the rear axel will be as easy as pie. most people mistake the axle as just a long shaft with two wheels, but in fact there is a lot more to it than that. The rear axel of a rear wheel drive automobile has a distinguishing chunck in the center. this is called the differential. this opposing mass of iron houses gears that convert tourq into volocity, this in turn, has the power tomake one go faster. and this has concluded all that anyone would need to to know about a rear axel. if you are still aving trouble finding the rear axel something you should look for is the back end of the automobile. in this area you'll see a set of wheels. these wheels are located on both sides of the automobile. if you shove your head under the automobile in this aera you'll see the rear axel. remember to always check your blinker fluid. what is dlinker fuid