A US dollar is worth 0.9822561 of a dollar in Europe
What was the US dollar rate in 1965?
A dollar.
There are many different currencies in Europe and many other currencies around the world to compare against. However, I am assuming you are referring to the Euro and the US Dollar. Currently a Euro is worth about $1.32.
What is Australian Dollar Selling rate in India?
dollar exchange rate to malaysian ringitt
The population growth rate of Europe is currently at about -2%.
... it is called ... A DOLLAR! No country in Europe has a currency called dollar. Examples of countries with currencies called dollar are USA, Canada, Australia, Singapore, and more besides.
200 pesos in Europe; not mexico
As of December 21st, 2008... The exchange rate of a Indian Rupee to a U.S Dollar is... 1 U.S dollar=4702.5 Indian Rupees
Russia has the highest murder rate in Europe. However, this includes all of Russia. Estonia is the wholly European country with the highest murder rate.