343 Euro = 299 British Pounds Stirling (as of 31st July 2013) Note: exchange rates change daily.
The current exchange rate between RMB and Euro is 1 RMB for 0.12 Euro.
France uses the Euro as its currency, look at the Euro exchange rate with whatever currency you are trying to exchange.
in what currency....if Stirling then £17132.74336 at today's rate of exchange
http://www.xe.com/ucc/ a euro is a euro is a euro. country does not matter.
You can find information on the best euro exchange rate at the Money CO UK website. Once on the page, click on "Travel Money" and then click "Euro" to view the best Euro exchange rates.
The current exchange rate (as of May 2013) is approximately USD 1 = € 0.77 The current exchange rate can be obtained by typing "1 USD = EUR" into Google.
Spain uses the Euro. See the related link for an exchange rate.
An exchange rate of 1:9 between the European Euro and the Mexican Peso means that you can exchange one Euro for 9 Pesos.
Exchange rate between Saudi Riyal to Euro
The French franc is no longer in use. It was replaced by the Euro on January 1, 1999. The current exchange rate is 1 Euro to 1.35 US Dollars.