one British pound = 1.12313919 Euros
At a rate of 1 pound is 1.18 Euros. 12 pounds is about 14.2 Euros
24.06 euros.
1.20268809 euros
There were approximately 160 ptas to the Euro and 1.6 Euros to the pound, so one pound sterling would have been the equivalent of about 256 ptas.
63.10 euros.
It uses the Pound Sterling.
The exchange rate for Euros to Pound Sterling changes on a daily basis. As of July 5, 2014, 50 Euros is equal to 39.61 British Pound Sterling.
1 pound = 1.2584 euros 90 pounds = 90 x 1.2584 = 113.26 euros
1 british pound=1.26 euros 1 euro=79 british pence
There are 1.24 Euros to one British pound. The exchange rate has gone up and down slightly over the years.
1 GBP = 1.12 Euros