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Biodiesel is a type of diesel fuel made by refining ordinary vegitable oil. It can be used in almost any engine that petrolium based diesel can.

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Q: What is biodiesel fuel?
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Related questions

Where can one find information on biodiesel fuel?

Wikipedia provides an excellent encyclopedia style article on biodiesel fuel. Other websites that offer information about biodiesel fuel are the U.S. Department of Energy's Biodiesel page and the National Biodiesel Board's page.

Which of these is not a fossil fuel biodiesel diesel gas coal?


What fuel is made out of vegetable oil?

It's usually called biodiesel.

Is biodiesel fossil fuel?

No, biodiesel is not a fossil fuel. It is a renewable fuel made from vegetable oils, animal fats, or recycled cooking greases.

What countries use the BioDiesel Fuel?


Is it true that biodiesel can ruin my engine?

Biodiesel most certainly does NOT ruin your engine. Most engine manufacturer in the world approves the use of biodiesel in their engines, unless of course your engine is not made to run on diesel fuel. Gasoline engines should not be ran on Biodiesel.Actually, if you don't change out your fuel pump, injectors, and fuel lines to accommodate the much thicker biodiesel fuel, it CAN ruin your engine.

Can tractors be made to use biodiesel?

Yes, tractors can be modified or designed to use biodiesel as a fuel source. Biodiesel is a renewable alternative to traditional diesel fuel and can help reduce emissions and dependency on fossil fuels. Many modern tractors are already compatible with biodiesel blends.

Where and how can you obtain biodiesel fuel?

See the related link to the National Biodiesel Board's - Retailer Map.Look there for a retailer in your state.When shopping for biodiesel, however, make sure that they sell biodiesel that conforms to the most recent ASTM standard.

What fuel does the Jeep 3.0 Diesel use?

Diesel fuel, biodiesel, BTL and GTL

What are the byproducts of soybeans?

Soybeans can be used to produce biodiesel fuel.

What are the immediate cost of biodiesel vs petroleum fuel?

well when you buy biodiesel it tends to be around $53... and petroleum fuel tends to be much less then that so if you are planning on drinking this then the cheaper one would have to be petroleum fuel :)

What is a biodiesel?

A biodiesel is any variety of fuel for diesel engines made from renewable organic raw materials as opposed to fossil hydrocarbons.