A "Bonnet" is the British equivalent of a "hood". There are several differences between American and British automotive terms. Other translations include "boot" which we Americans call a "trunk", "propshaft" which we call "drive shaft", "drive shaft" which we call "axle", and "spanner" which we call a "wrench"
The bonnet is what Americans call the hood of the car.
under the bonnet of my car/pickup,is a 7.3 lr powerstroke diesel engine,
pull the bonnet catch in the car you plonker
Front hood.
you pull the bonnet release in car then under bonnet there is black button thingy you pull out and lift bonnet. hope this helps
the catch is on the undernath left of the sign when standing in front of the car. it is a plastic catch flush with the bonnet. work along from centre pushing up and you will open bonnet. catch is different to a convential car as it is flush with bonnet and made of plastic.
Easy!Pull the bonnet release lever on passenger side of car (Assuming its a right hand drive car). Then at the front of the car midway between the centre and drivers side (again assuming its a right hand drive car) and just under the bonnet there is a little black plastic "T" shaped piece. Pull hard on this as it sometimes sticks a bit and you should hear the bonnet release and then simply lift up the bonnet.
Open the door with your key and pull the bonnet release.
The hood is open.
The hood