

What does ch mean for Swiss cars?

Updated: 10/27/2022
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βˆ™ 15y ago

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CH = "Confederatio Helvetica" = Swiss Confederation

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Q: What does ch mean for Swiss cars?
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Why do cars from Switzerland have CA on them?

Cars in Switzerland have "CH" on them because "CH" is the country code. It stands for "Confoederatio Helvetica", or "Swiss Confederation".

What is the extension of a Swiss website?

The extension is .ch

What does CH stand for on a Swiss car?

Confoederatio Helvetica, "swiss" or "helvetic confederation"

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Ch is the currency code for the Swiss franc, the official currency of Switzerland.

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CH is used to represent Switzerland. CH stands for Confoederatio Helvetica, which means the Swiss Confederation.

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Confoederatio Helvetica (Swiss Confederation)

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What is CH language?

This maybe a trick question. CH is the country designation for Switzerland. Therefore the official languages are Swiss German, French and Italian

What is the abbreviation of Switzerland?

It is "CH". It stands for "Confederatio Helvetica," which means Swiss Confederation in Latin.

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'Hispano-Suiza' translates to 'Spanish-Swiss', which was an engineering firm around World War II. They specialized in luxury cars and airplane engines.

How do you abbreveate Switzerland?

Switzerland has 3 official languages, German(63.1% of Swiss speak it), French (20.4% of Swiss speak it), and Italian (6.5% of Swiss speak it) Spelling Switzerland would depend on what language. In German, the main language, it is spelt Schweiz. In French it is spelt Suisse. In Italian it is spelt Svizzera.