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W = Winter

S = Summer

The car will start in 2nd gear when in winter mode.

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Q: What does W S button means on the console?
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What does the W and D mean on the Mercedes gearbox console its an up and down button?

On my 2000 c230 the "W" is for winter driving, and when you have it on that setting the tranny starts at 2nd gear. The "S" means standard!

What is the w s button for in your mecedes Benz for?

W stands for "Wet" and S stands for "Standard". I always used to think it means Summer and Winter but I found out only yesterday. NO , this has nothing to do with standard . W means winter S means Summer All has to do with snoe , ice, weather . in snow and bad winter areas , put it on W , otherwise on S

What is the button w s near the shifter for in a 2001 c240?

The W/S button on the by the shift selector indicates what mode the transmission is in. "W" means winter and starts the car out in second gear to increase traction. "S" means sport and increases the amount of time (shown to you in RPMs) the car stays in a particular gear. "S" is designed to make the gear ratios taller, therfore adding to performance.

Where is the w button in Mercedes c class?

The W button will be on the center consul near the gear selector, it is used for wet or winter weather as it changes the shift patterns for smoother starts and shifts for increased traction. (note): W button is on a toggle switch with an S so in fact it is a W/S button.

What does the sw button mean on Mercedes e320?

It is two options on how the gearbox is supposed to act. S means standard, W means Winter. In W position, the gearbox will start in 2nd gear to lower the tork, to give you better chance to keep your grip.

What does the W and S mean on the gearbox consoleit is an up and down button situated beside the P R and N on tne gearbox console?

It changes the characteristics of the auto trans. Some could say Winter/Summer or S for sportier...but basically you'll be hardpressed to see a difference.

What does the button W and S mean on the shifter in a Mercedes Benz E200?

W = Winter S = Summer They are the driving mode for the car, whether it is winter or summer.

What is 50 Y is a G W 25 is a S W?

50 Y is a G W means "50 yards is a good walk" and 25 is a S W means "25 is a short walk."

What does S E W on the shifter console on a 1998 Volvo s70 stand for?

s= sport mode E= economy mode, quick shifts, slower pedel response W winter mode

What does the button W and S mean on the shifter in a Mercedes Benz E200 Classic?

W is for Winter , S is for summer . In areas where there is no snow , flooding and a big miss , keep it on S . all this is in the manual .

What is the button w s near the shifter for a 1998 c180?

W = winter S = summer Basically the W one hold the gears better for snow and such. The S is better performing, although I've never felt much of a difference.

What does w s mean on the centre console of a Mercedes clk mean?

W - Winter driving / slows down the RPM's S - Sport driving / widens the shift pattern and holds the gear longer before shifting