Since cushion cut is a rather square cut, one must assume that your diamond measures 7mm x 7mm. In this case, it weighs approximately two carats.
The carat size of a diamond should be determined by a certified jeweler. There are two different sizes the is the millimeter size which as stated was 7mm and then a jeweler can give a carat size.
If a diamond is a round cut, the mm size at the girdle is about seven if the diamond weighs about 1.25 carats. Other gemstones have different weights relative to their mm measurements.
An old mine cut diamond that measures 7mm possesses one measurement that is 7mm. No other data about the diamond can be deduced about the diamond given this measurement.
This millimeter measurement across the girdle of a round cut diamond may be equal to about 1.25 carats in weight. A certified gemologist can give you the exact weight of your diamond.
A round cut diamond measuring 7 millimeters across is roughly the equivalent of 1.25 carats. Millimeters is a unit of measurement that describes the size of an object, and carats are used to measure the weight.
if it means inches. i still don't know what a 7mm means. i just want to know what carat it is? <><><><> MM is the abbreviation for millimeter- a measure of size. 25.4 mm = 1 inch. 7mm is just larger than a quarter inch. It has no connection to purity of gold, which is measured in karats (k not c) Carat with a C refers to the weight of a gemstone.
There is no direct relationship per se between MM measurements and carat weight of gemstones.In order to ascertain the carat weight of the baguettes, take them to a jeweler that you trust and ask that they be removed from their setting and weighed.
The 7mm designation is a reference to the bore size, or diameter. In decimal size it means this rifle has a barrel groove diameter of .284 inch.
The diameter of a diamond can vary based on its shape and size. However, for a round brilliant cut diamond, the diameter is typically measured from point to point across the widest part of the diamond, known as the "girdle." Sizes can range from a few millimeters for smaller diamonds to over 10 millimeters for larger ones.