Wher is the thermostat housing located on the Jetta 2.5 5 cyl and how much rad fluid is needed once i replace he thermostat?
The 1997 VW Jetta thermostat is located inside of the thermostat housing. Remove the thermostat housing retaining bolts. Remove the water supply hose. Reverse the process to install the new thermostat.
I need to replace the shocks absorber for my VW Jetta 2001.
Where can you find a fuse box diagram for a 2000 VW Jetta?
how to fined the ac compressor relay on a 2000 vw jetta
You can use the two keys to reprogram the car remote of 2000 VW Jetta.
The spark plug gap for a 2000 VW Jetta 2.0L is .040"
where is the fuse for the airconditioning for 2000 jetta vw located
I have a VW Jetta 1.8t with the tiptronic transmission and it cost about $3500 to have rebuilt. I was bummed, but these transmissions are notorious for failing.
follow your bottom hose.
http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Where_is_the_thermostat_located_on_a_1997_VW_Jetta http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Where_is_the_thermostat_located_on_a_1997_VW_Jetta http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Where_is_the_thermostat_located_on_a_1997_VW_Jetta