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any car should be able to run on e10 10%ethonal. I second that comment. I have been driving my 1968 Bug for 4 years on 10% gas alcohol blend with good results.

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Q: Is gasoline mixed with ethanol bad for an old Volkswagen Beetle?
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What Ethanol mixed with gasoline?

It is known as gasahol. Ethanol fuel mixed with 15% gasoline is known as E85, though all gas sold in the US has to have some ethanol mixed in by law.

Is ethanol combined with gas bad for your engine?

Some with older cars don't notice a difference when combining ethanol with gasoline. 10% ethanol mixed with gasoline is a safe amount to use for perfect results.

Can you run ethanol mixed fuel in an 89 Yamaha blaster?

You can run only gasoline with 5% Ethanol no more which means no E85.

What mixes with gas to extend supplies?

Ethanol is commonly mixed with gasoline to extend supplies. It is a renewable fuel source that can be blended with gasoline in different ratios to create fuels such as E10 (10% ethanol, 90% gasoline) or E85 (85% ethanol, 15% gasoline). Ethanol helps reduce the overall demand for gasoline and can be produced from a variety of feedstocks, including corn and sugarcane.

What is the structural formulae of gasohol?

Gasohol typically refers to a blend of gasoline and ethanol, with ethanol being the alcohol component. The structural formula for ethanol is C2H5OH. Gasohol usually contains around 10% ethanol mixed with gasoline, which can vary depending on the specific fuel blend.

Is gasoline mixed with ethanol bad for a 1984 Ford Laser?

the engine in a 84 ford laser is not ethanol compatible & will run like a sack of crap if you use fuel that contains any ethanol

What is the diffrense between mixed gasolin and gasoline?

Mixed gasoline typically refers to a fuel mixture that contains gasoline as well as additives or other types of fuel, while regular gasoline is a standard fuel used in most vehicles. Mixed gasoline may have a higher octane rating or contain ethanol, which can impact engine performance. It is important to use the appropriate type of gasoline recommended for your vehicle to ensure proper functioning.

What could also be converted into other fuels such as gasohol which is formed by adding alcohol and gasoline?

Corn is a common source used for producing gasohol by fermenting it into ethanol, which is then mixed with gasoline. Sugar cane and other plant materials can also be converted into ethanol for use in gasohol production.

Is gasoline mixed with ethanol bad for cars?

done properly, not really. most cars can handle a low percentage (maybe 5-10%) ethanol in their gas without harm. It will, however, reduce gas mileage.

Can E85 ethanol and regular unleaded gas be mixed?

Yes, E85 ethanol (85% ethanol and 15% gasoline) and regular unleaded gasoline can be mixed in a flex-fuel vehicle designed to run on both types of fuel. However, it is not recommended to mix them in a non-flex-fuel vehicle as it can damage the engine. Always check your vehicle's compatibility before mixing fuels.

What colour do one get when ethanol is mixed with fat?

When ethanol is mixed with fat, the color may become cloudy or opaque, but there would not be a distinct color change as ethanol and fat are both colorless. The appearance may depend on the concentration and types of fat and ethanol being mixed.

Can Methanol be mixed with Antifreeze?

Yes, methanol can be mixed with antifreeze. Methanol is sometimes added to antifreeze solutions to decrease the freezing point and improve the efficiency of the antifreeze. However, it is important to follow the manufacturer's recommendations and safety guidelines when mixing methanol with antifreeze.