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Personal choice, but it will reduce the trade-in value

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Q: If you have a 2000 Land Rover Discovery and you want to change the color is it wise to repaint?
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Your fitzik bike seat is black and silver you would like to change the color of silver to apple green?

Don't try to repaint it.

Should you repaint your car?

Yes, if not your car will look old and worn. Unless its fine. But if you want to change the color then go ahead!

How do you get a door to its original color again after you painted it with a totally different color?

Repaint it with the original color.

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Yes, you can repaint any color helmet to any color. I have fellow teammates that take their old helmets and paint them to our orange all the time.

Why does smoke come from exhaust on Land Rover discovery?

If is a whitesh smoke then the head gasket has likely blown. The coolant is what gives it that color. If it is a bluesh/blackesh color then a piston or valve has been damaged. This is the common causes.

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Repaint Vehicle?

form_title=Repaint Vehicle form_header=After an accident or if you just want a new color, invest in your car by having it painted. What color do you want your car to be painted? =_ How much is your budget for the paint job?=_ Was this vehicle in an accident?= () Yes () No What type of special features (such as stripes) would you want?=_

What are car stereo wiring color code for 1997 land rover discovery?

depending on the last few digits on your VIN number... but the stereo code for mine 96047. got it from a dealer. he was reluctant at first to give it to me but finally did.

Why is your crotch a purplish gray color?

Unless you are sick, The pigment of your skin could be darker therefore resulting in a purple-gray color. Ex. Your race is Black, Asian, Hispanic. The question is, is this a recent discovery or a recent change in your skin color. If recent change, have it checked out.

What colour is best to paint an 8 year old boys bedroom?

Find out his favorite color, and paint it that, or if you're concerned about him growing tired of the color as he ages, then try painting it a neutral color like blue, green, yellow or an off white, then you can decorate the room with his favorite things and that way you don't have to repaint when his tastes change.

What color is the mars rover?

The colour of the Mars rover is seen to be silverish grey and Red base and Steel type tyres...