The Peugeot 205 is made by the French car manufacturer Peugeot. The Peugeot 205 was a small econoical car manufactured between 1983 and 1998.
A similar car to the Peugeot 206 is the Peugeot 205 which the Peugeot 206 is modeled after with minor modifications and upgrades from the Peugeot 205 to the Peugeot 206.
Peugeot 205
peugeot 205 trio 1.1 has a bhp of 55 as standard
Cut the rubber seal and gently push the windscreen out.
The jack is usually located under the bonnet, in the front left-hand corner, just in front of the suspension mount.
The dont have front fog lights they are driving lamps. They come on automatically with full beam.
just in front of the altenator, there is a 10mm bolt, tighten that and it will tighten the fan belt
if its a 205 gti the door will go right on as 1993 & 1995 are both phaise 2 models if its a standared 205 not to sure.
all peugeot 205's have a fuel capacitie of 50 litres
The whole front of the dash board has to come out . I am doing mine as we speek and its a nitemare !!!!
Just behind the front bumper, below the n/s (passenenger side) headlight