How much horsepower in a 2.2 liter car engine?
how much horse power does a stock 4.8 liter vortex Chevy engine have
240 horsepower for a 2004 tundra with a 4.7 liter engine.
The 4.0 liter OHV - V6 engine has 160 horsepower The 4.0 liter SOHC - V6 engine has 205 horsepower The 5.0 liter V8 engine has 211 horsepower
1000 ml =1 liter.
The 1999 Ford mustang was rated at 190 horsepower for the 3.8 liter engine and 260 horsepower for the 4.6 liter engine
Well , the 1.3 liter ( 81 cubic inch ) engine in a 1991 Ford Festiva is rated at 63 horsepower